Another cheap LCD, doesn't currently have any use of it though.
The screen model tells me it's a 1601 character screen. So based on the chip size I could know the model number, then based on the datasheet and ITO trace I got the pintout.
Then comes the result. Seems like the screen is a TN one instead of HTN or STN, resulting in extremely poor viewing angles.
Basic Information
- Model: HDMG1601A
- Type: Monochrome Character Dot-matrix
- Mode: TN Positive
- Resolution: 16x1 character, 5x7 each
- Greyscale: Monochrome 1bit
- Controller: ST7032I
- Size: 60.1*23.2(mm)
Driving Information
- V0
- D7
- D6
- D5
- D4
- D3
- D2
- D1
- D0
- E
- RW
- RS
Initialization sequence
LCD_WriteCmd(0x38); LCD_WriteCmd(0x39); LCD_WriteCmd(0x14); LCD_WriteCmd(0x7F); LCD_WriteCmd(0x5F); LCD_WriteCmd(0x6F); Delayms(200); LCD_WriteCmd(0x0C); LCD_WriteCmd(0x01); Delayms(2); LCD_WriteCmd(0x06);